maandag 9 maart 2015

The Kuruc Rebellion

I have reached the half way mark, painting artillery, cavalry and light horse and decided to do further research on campaigns between the France and Imperial Austria. I found Austrian numbers were not particularly strong as she found it expedient to subsidize the smaller German States to deploy against France. Further reading , a major contributing factor for that step was the need to contain rebellion within the Hungarian kingdom.

"Kuruc labanc csatajelenet1". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -

Kuruc Rebellion
This is interesting as the rebellion took about 40 years to suppress and during my era of interest, Austrian needed three armies to contain the insurgents. This is all the more remarkable as Hungarian armies were mainly light cavalry and peasant infantry, in some respects, these could be similar to Moldavian or Wallachian armies of the Great Northern War.

Using the Moldavian list as a reference, I devised this as a preliminary draft:

Kuruc Rebellion, 1671 – 1711
0–1 Cavalry                                    Noble refugees.
2–6 Light Horse                            Lesser nobles or Hussars.
0–1 Warrior or Light Horse          Hajduk and Hussars..
1–2 Warrior                                  Hajduk levy.
1–2 Warrior or early Dragoon       Slavic mercenaries/Kolorachy.
2–3 Warrior or Skirmisher           Hajduk levy.
0–1 Light Artillery

I know Khurasan Miniatures offer suitable figures for the rebellion, but I in a country were postage and import duties would prohibitive. Legio Heroica (Italy) have similar figures among their Polish and Ottoman range, so I shall plan an order soon.

There are a number of films made about the rebellion and these are quite colourful. Not only do the hussars have a variety of clothing, but peasant dress is convincing. One minor drawback, none of the films I have seen have English subtitles. 

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