zondag 24 augustus 2014

Battle of Lexington, 12-20, September 1861

Next on my list of historical battles is that of Lexington. Technically a siege, both sides made use of field works and mobile defences leading to the final assault. This took place over a period of eight days with key events occurring throughout the siege, so these will need noting.  

Field works are on the list of projects, so these will be moved to a higher priority. I am not sure about building a complete town, but something will need to be improvised. The steamship Clara Belle was a key objective, however, I am not sure I will have the time to construct this as I leave for a four day holiday next week.

From the maps of Lexington, this BUA this would be classed as a township with a dense grouping of houses and no perimeter defences except fences. The town serves therefore as Rough Going which impedes movement but not shooting or combat. The earthworks surrounding the Masonic College and gun emplacements would be classed as a fort, an extended one at that. 


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