The Allies, Hannover, Hesse-Kassel and Brunswick are the last group to be rebased, Hanoverian uniforms are nearly identical to the British but will still be recognisable by the flags they carry. The flags are currently being painted and should be done by next week.
To their left, representing Hesse-Kassel are four battalions of infantry. Three have flags and the fourth will receive its flag next week. Troops clad in green uniforms are two battalions of light troops that played an active role in Ferdinand’s campaigns against the French.
Cavalry for both the French and Allied armies fielded fewer squadrons per regiment when compared to cavalry of Prussia or Austria. Reading Savory’s “His Britannic Majesty’s Army in Germany”, one is struck by the terrain over which both armies maneuvered around creating supply and foraging problems.
Compared to the other collections, allied generals and staff are not as numerous, having four generals for the infantry brigades and one for the cavalry. That should be rectified when I do an inventory of the “extra” elements remaining.
Lastly, the nucleus of a British contingent. Plans are being made to add more horse and foot and while rebasing these, I noticed the grenadiers were not Old Glory 15s, but Blue Moon figures. Twelve years ago, Old Glory did not offer British grenadiers as a separate item, forcing me to purchase the Blue Moon figures. That has been corrected and grenadiers will be included in the next order.
1 opmerking:
Lovely flags and units.
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