Both WRG 1685 – 1845 and DBA are similar, players alternate bounds moving through a sequence of phases. The two greatly differ in that, WRG sequence of play is the reverse order of DBA. Further, the reaction tests and movement calculation lengthened the time needed to complete a player’s bound. Revising and testing will take time, but here outlined are sections to be reworked.
The DBA sequence of pip throw, tactical moves, shooting and close combat (combat outcomes) will be adapted.
This is done for each brigadier general and the CinC.
Pips can be used for tactical moves or later in the bound to resolve reaction tests.
Generals are either Cautious, Bold or Rash, qualities of each will be noted in the draft set.
Scenarios will list generals and their characteristic, if not, then use the WRG table.
WRG listed 8 reaction tests that could be taken during a player’s bound.
The tests will remain, but resolving them will have a pip cost.
Moving individual units within a brigade would normally cost a pip, we are exploring the movement of multiple units in unison, without the need of group move restrictions.
All distances quoted in paces will be converted to base width.
Changing formation is dependent on the unit’s morale and training.
Players shoot only on their bound with the target using its combat factor in response.
Shooting is limited to targets straight ahead at long or close distance.
Troops may move and fire, however, players are not obligated to shoot on their bound.
Close combat elements add or deduct tactical factors to their basic combat factor.
Other factors to be considered; charge/counter-charge, morale, and if disordered/shaken.
Casting a die for each element in combat may seem excessive, however, close combat will end with one side’s morale cascading to disorder, shaken or rout.
Routing troops remain on table to continue their flight until rallied, found refuge or left the table.
a winner
point system is deleted as our conflicts are scenario based. This may result
with unequal size forces meeting, but such is war. The current campaign system
for the late 17th c. will be repurposed for the Seven Years War.
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