zondag 5 februari 2017

The Campaign rules - an interim evaluation.

Campaign rules – gunpowder era
Turenne’s campaign of 1674 was remarkable for two reasons, the numerical superiority of the allied forces and the season in which the third operation was executed, the winter. Despite the success at Sinsheim, General Bournonville did meet Generals Lorraine and Caprara approximately three months later bringing their combined strength in excess of 40,000 men. To meet this, Turenne was able to gather 16,000 for the subsequent action. Using the basic 12 element a side game you don’t quite reach a sense of urgency than say having 40 elements facing 16.

To bring the disparity between armies to a manageable level there are two features in the rules that will be of help. The first item, the quality of command, is an option currently found in the DBA-HX3 rules section titled generals. Cautious generals are likely to signal retreat earlier than their stout hearted brethren, for them we reduce the number required to reach demoralisation by one. This works rather well to balance a game using uneven sides.

The second item can be found in the basic rule set under allied contingents. Such elements comprising an allied contingent may not move as a group with elements of the host army. This works well for our campaign as the Imperial army consisted of troops from six different regions and would be further complicated by the arrival of Prince Ferdinand of Brandenburg.

Reviewing the Imperial forces as three commands, each hosting an allied contingent, the disparity of numbers looks more palpable for an energetic French player.

Further, the number of stratagems has been increased. As their number grows, each of the general types will have a selection at their command bold generals having a greater repertoire of options to use.

Illustration, the Battle of Sinsheim (Wiki, public domain).. 

2 opmerkingen:

napoleon zei

Interesting. Can't convince anybody to play DBA here. But I like the LoAugsburg era and I have a large army.

napoleon zei

Here = Amsterdam