Storm over the Nile is a multi-player campaign involving three major powers; the Kingdom of Fung, the Sultanate of Sennar, the Ottomans and three nomadic Beja tribes; the Bisharin, Beni-Amir and the Hadendoa.
The year is 1701, Europe would involve itself shortly in a long war and both India and Java would experience their own war of succession. Along the banks of the Blue and White Nile, the conflicts would not reach a level experienced as in those other lands, yet the forces involved will determine who triumphs over their hereditary enemies.
In the spring of 1701, the Fung seek to recover lands lost to the Sennar, while the Hadendoa and the Beni-Amir attempt to settle old disputes over grazing land by force of arms. The Ottomans had no wish to extend their boundaries further south and the Bisharin profited from peaceful neighbors to the North, yet keep watch on their frontiers.
Settling an old feud, the Beni-Amir and the Hadendoa

The Beni-Amir (at bottom) positioned their battle in the open ground to the left of the steep hill. Their plan was simple; archers and lights would wrap around the Hadendoa flank while the main line would progress slowly forward while the auxilia would secure the rough ground on the opposite flank.
With no skirmishers to speak of, the Hadendoa would close with their opponents as quickly as possible which left the one skirmisher element to occupy the auxilia in rough ground. For a time, the village would protect the left flank until time came to rush the Beni-Amir.

With very low pip scores, the Beni-Amir was laboring forward for the first three bounds.
The Hadendoa used this to their advantage to secure a foot hold on the right and close the distance between battle lines.

A lucky cast for the Beni-Amir offered the chance to extend their right and overlap the Hadendoa, but the Hadendoa on their bound struck first and wrecked havoc among the archers and half their battle line.
This windfall delivered the first casualty for the bound. 1-0 for the Hadendoa.

Subsequent bounds brought both lines back and forth with no break in either line. In fact many melees held their ground with the only ray of hope lay with the flanks. Despite the odds, the one lone Hadendoa skirmisher upset his opponents by not recoiling or breaking off.
In the end, the Hadendoa warband prevailed to bring a battle of brute force to a 4 – 1 result.
Regaining lost territory, the Sultanate against the Fung.

Dry terrain options, do not leave a lot of variation on the board; here two steep hills and a patch of rough ground were the only items on a featureless battle field. With both sides fielding 50% cavalry, the terrain would require a subtle approach.
Nearly identical in composition, the Sennar (top of photo) would use their spearmen to advantage as a shield while approaching the Fung battleline.
The Fung had other ideas, as they would quickly control the rough ground and steep hill, they would funnel the enemy in a killing ground where both flanks could be threatened.
The approach

Both sides experienced low pip scores in the initial phase. This did not hinder the Sennar too much as they moved forward in two broad divisions. The Fung suffered; having to choose which flank should move while the other remained inert for the bound.
In consequence, the Sennar gained a foothold on the steep hill, while the main battleline, split formation to let the spearmen advance ahead of the cavalry division.

This last maneuver, brought the Fung cavalry to halt as they want to maintain an unbroken line. With the cavalry in check, the flanks were being mauled.
This brought a close to the battle, with the Sennar wining 4 – 2, having stripped the Fung of their wings. The battle cavalry never came into contact.
Next posting, the Summer moves.