donderdag 30 mei 2013

HM and HEIC cavalry – done

The cavalry shako turned out better than expected, so the Bengal Native troops would have standard peak-less model with brass plate and tuft, while the Light Dragoons would have the covered shako.

The covered shako, seen in many lithographs of the period, is secured with a cord to prevent its loss. This simple item proved more difficult than making the shako plate or tuft. The thin strands of Milliput kept breaking or slid off the shako. With a good dose of patience, both tasks were done.

After drying,  an undercoat and paint the final product were varnished. During the First Sikh War, the covered shakos would be replaced by the covered “soft ” cap with neck cloth.

Final step is to lay ground (sand and glue) and flock the bases. The flags will be added tomorrow, so by the weekend I should have pictures of the completed collection.


2 opmerkingen:

Phil zei

Nice work!

Timurilank zei

Thank you Phil,

I am flocking all the elements at the moment and am thinking about adding a further 5 elements of LH irregulars; Skinner's Horse and a few others.

Using Dervisher cavalry these would only require long coats or jackets and turbans made with Milliput.

More practice.